Database services

  • Support, design and creation of databases: MS SQL, MySQL, Access, etc. Providing security, consistency and availability of data for end-users.
  • Research and analysis, modification and testing, deployment of new features and further maintenance of existing databases and their applications created in c#, php, VBA, etc.
  • Creating specifications for software products, as well as writing and implementing effective code.
  • Development and implementation of data quality control (QA/QC) procedures.
  • Migration of existing solutions to more modern or suitable technologies, which may include Azure hosted databases or other cloud front-end platforms.
  • Creation of new and support of existing input forms, automation of processes and query optimization.
  • Development and support of data import (several types of sources, various types of files and various data formats), export and subsequent updating processes.
  • Creation and support of SQL stored procedures.
  • Cleaning and bringing to a state of consistency of historical data in databases.
  • Working with cloud-based DB, providing access to them, including from mobile devices for collecting field data.
  • Optimization of reporting processes.

Acceleration of SQL queries

Sometimes an SQL query is executed for a long time, unnecessarily filling the server's RAM and spinning disks into unnecessary dances.

How to increase the efficiency of requests and reduce their resource intensity?

  • Building the right data structure: the structure should correspond to the business objectives of the application, from the point of view of the relational paradigm, be close to 3NF, linking tables by surrogate keys, etc..
  • Semantic query optimization:
    • disclosure of views (abandoning view and returning to tables, if that makes sense),
    • conversion of subqueries into joins,
    • descent of predicates (selection should be performed before joining, if possible),
    • etc...
  • Correct indexing of fields in tables.
  • Clustering of related tables.
  • Partitioning/partitioning/fragmentation/segmentation of tables and indexes.
  • Segmentation of tables.
  • Clustering of database servers (when writing is done on the master, and reading is done on replicas).
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