For more than 20 years of the platform's existence .NET has gathered a huge number of developers around it and has long been ranked first in popularity, speed of program development and execution, quality and reliability among competitors.
From the programmer's point of view, the work is with ASP.Net via Visual Studio is convenient, logical and fast. It would seem that what does the customer care about the convenience of the programmer's executor? In fact, there is a case. The less a programmer solves his problems, the more time he will have to solve the customer's problems.
Philosophy of .Net does not force programmers to know more than they need to. This philosophy perfectly implements the ancient Roman rule: "divide and conquer" - this is a very good principle of working in a team. In computer science, divide and conquer is an algorithm design paradigm. A divide-and-conquer algorithm recursively breaks down a problem into two or more sub-problems of the same or related type, until these become simple enough to be solved directly. The solutions to the sub-problems are then combined to give a solution to the original problem.
Scalability .Net technology is based not only on .Net, but on the operating system and DBMS itself. Clustering is one of Microsoft's strengths.
Since 2016, the CLR has been becoming cross-platform, and .NET is starting to move towards the way we know the platform now - a convenient tool for developing applications of various kinds, which, like Java, can run on both Windows and Unix-based systems. Actually, this site is made on .net core and runs under Unix.
The asynchronous code execution model async/await is perfectly implemented. It allows developers to write productive non-blocking code, which has a positive effect on server throughput.
ASP.NET MVC is a .NET web development framework. On the one hand, out of the box it provides a large number of ready-made functionality like authorization, filters, routing, DI, model binding and much more, and on the other hand, it is modular enough so that almost any part of the framework can be replaced with its own implementation.
ASP.NET allows you to create both small and medium-sized and large projects. ASP.NET - scales perfectly.