Managing the uniqueness of rows in Excel

Excel is a wonderful and convenient tool for editing data. But one important functionality is not implemented in it – the control of the uniqueness of the rows. Let's take an example.

Suppose a person wants to rent an apartment. To do this, he opens a website with ads or a booklet with ads, and starts calling everyone in a row, after each call he makes notes about the results of the conversation in Excel. Different ads may have the same phone number, and if a person has already called it, then it is not necessary to call a second time, since all the necessary information about all the ads has already been received.

Or the user enters information about the timesheets of employees. And so it sometimes happens that the user gets a report on the work done for a certain period several times. He or she needs to avoid re-entering.

Or it's just that customer records are kept in Excel, when a new customer arrives, you need to make sure whether he has already come or not yet.

There are quite a lot of options where uniqueness is required when entering into Excel. And here I propose a solution.

Below is the code. If it is not clear how to use it, then it is better to see it once than to read a dry text ten times. Therefore, I have prepared a video on youtube, which you can find by following the link on my profile page.

  Option Explicit
  Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
  Dim originalEntry As Range
  Dim rowCount As Long, currentRow As Long, currentCol As Long
  Dim key1FormulaTemplate As String, key2FormulaTemplate As String

  key1FormulaTemplate = "C[Row]&H[Row]"
  key2FormulaTemplate = "D[Row]&I[Row]"

  rowCount = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
  currentRow = Target.Row
  currentCol = Target.Column

  If currentCol = 3 Then
  Call TryToFindEmployee(Target, rowCount)
  End If

  If currentCol = 8 Or currentCol = 9 Then
  Set originalEntry = CheckForDublicates("A", key1FormulaTemplate, rowCount, currentRow)
  If originalEntry Is Nothing Then
  Set originalEntry = CheckForDublicates("B", key2FormulaTemplate, rowCount, currentRow)
  End If

  If Not originalEntry Is Nothing Then
  Dim response As Integer
  response = MsgBox("Such an entry is already in the list. would you like to see it?", vbYesNo, "Duplicate found")
  If response = vbYes Then
  End If
  End If
  End If
  End Sub
  Sub TryToFindEmployee(changed_cell As Range, rowCount As Long)
  Dim currentKey As String

  currentKey = changed_cell.Value2

  Dim keyRange As Range
  Set keyRange = ActiveSheet.Range("C2:C" & rowCount)
  Dim foundRange As Range
  Set foundRange = keyRange.Find(currentKey, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=True)

  Dim response As Integer
  If Not (foundRange Is Nothing) Then
  If foundRange.Row <> changed_cell.Row Then
  Cells(changed_cell.Row, 4).Value = Cells(foundRange.Row, 4).Value
  Cells(changed_cell.Row, 5).Value = Cells(foundRange.Row, 5).Value
  Cells(changed_cell.Row, 6).Value = Cells(foundRange.Row, 6).Value
  End If
  End If
  End Sub
  Function CheckForDublicates(keyColumn As String, keyFormulaTemplate As String, rowCount As Long, currentRow As Long) As Range
  Dim keys() As String
  keys = Split(keyFormulaTemplate, "&")
  Dim keyFormula As String, item As Variant
  Dim currentKey As String

  For Each item In keys
  keyFormula = Replace(item, "[Row]", currentRow)
  currentKey = currentKey & Range(keyFormula).Value2
  Next item

  Dim keyRange As Range
  Set keyRange = ActiveSheet.Range(keyColumn & "2:" & keyColumn & rowCount)
  Dim foundRange As Range
  Set foundRange = keyRange.Find(currentKey, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=True)

  Dim response As Integer
  If Not (foundRange Is Nothing) Then
  If foundRange.Row <> currentRow Then
  Set CheckForDublicates = foundRange
  Set CheckForDublicates = Nothing
  End If
  End If
  End Function